Kuwait Finance House–Bahrain (KFH-B) hosted a reception at KFH Club in Budaiya marking the victory of the bank’s supported teams in three championships.
The event was attended by KFH-B Managing Director and CEO, Abdulhakeem Alkhayyat, Executive Management and staff. On the occasion, Alkhayyat congratulated the bank’s employees for their sports achievements during 2010.
“This dinner is an opportunity for the KFH-B family to join together and celebrate the accomplishments our players have achieved in the sports arena. Our staff consists of remarkably dedicated employees who thrive to achieve in the work environment. Their positive attitude and determination is also reflected in their sports accolades. I congratulate and thank each and every one of them and also say I am proud all of them,” he said.
“I would like to express my deep thanks and appreciation to the Management of KFH-Bahrain for supporting all social activities related to the bank’s employees. These impressive results by our sports teams wouldn’t have been possible without the continued support and encouragement of the management, who closely follow the social and sporting activities that our employees are involved in and actively participate in them including the Managing Director and CEO,” added Sattam Algosaibi, Executive Manager in KFH-B, who is also Chairman of the Social Committee.