HRH Premier also called for the need to reward those who had shown an exemplary resolve to ensure the continuity of government work during the crisis and defied those who wanted to cripple it and deprive the citizens from their legitimate right to be served, stressing, at the same time, that those who failed to do their duties or violated the rules and regulations should be held accountable.
This came as HRH Premier chaired at the Gudaibiya Palace the Cabinet regular weekly meeting.
During the meeting, HRH Premier updated the Cabinet on the inspection visit he had paid to the Salmaniya Medical Complex (SMC).
HRH Premier praised the tremendous efforts exerted by SMC’s administrative, technical and medical staff to ward off all attempts made to derail SMC off its national and humanitarian roles, lauding Bahrain Defence Force (BDF), Interior Ministry and National Guard for their remarkable role in enabling all vital facilities, including SMC, to resume their natural roles.
HRH Premier also gave instructions to provide SMC with medicines and the latest medical equipment so as to sustain its reputation as a pioneering medical monument.
HRH Premier called upon government officials to assume their national responsibilities, protect the supreme national interests, upgrade the quality of the services provided for the citizens and not to tolerate any failure or negligence in government work.
HRH Prime Minister also instructed Ministers to follow up closely work at their ministries and the departments affiliated to them, create suitable work conditions for the sake of enhancing productivity, not to allow irregularities and violations pass unpunished, prioritize national interests and meet the citizens’ needs which are among the government’s top priorities.
After that, the Cabinet agreed to establish a national data-base containing details about citizen-oriented projects and services in order to enable the government to assess them continuously, and direct its social programmes towards those who need them most, instructing the Central Informatics Organisation to coordinate with the Social Development Ministry in this regard, as recommended by the Ministerial Committee for Financial and Economic Affairs.
Then, the Cabinet was informed, through the Cabinet Affairs Minister’s memo, about the establishment of the Gulf Link Company which is specialized in the provision of call centre services, which will enable the public sector and the services ministries to deliver their services via calls, faxes, emails, chatting, etc. and consolidate the role of the e-Government Authority, in providing e-services and transactions.
Moreover, the Cabinet requested the Energy Minister Dr. Abdul Hussein bin Ali Mirza to sign medium and long term loans agreements aiming to enable the Electricity and Water Authority (EWA) to develop its electricity networks.
The Cabinet also directed the ministries of Industry and Commerce, Labour and Housing to continue studying ways of putting an end to the phenomenon of inactive records in the construction and building sectors.