He goes down in history as the fifth GCC secretary-general and the first hailing from the military top brass to hold such a position even since the bloc was established.
In an exclusive statement to Bahrain News Agency (BNA), he stressed the ability of the GCC to face challenges towards meeting citizens’ hopes and aspirations and achieving utmost complementary, crediting the GCC leaders for their farsightedness and visions.
“The GCC was has been based since its inception in 1981 on the principles of common history, joint destiny”, he said, describing the bloc as responding to the Gulf nationals’ aspirations of social and economic complementarities between member countries.
He also underscored the principle of collective security and commitment to stave off any foreign designs, adding that the GCC has so far succeeded in deterring any threats, with firmness and competence. Dr Al Zayani lauded the unlimited solidarity bonding the GCC member states, whether on level of leaders or peoples, citing the strong kinship, unified goals, and common destiny. He paid tribute to all GCC countries for throwing their weight behind the Kingdom of Bahrain, by dispatching the Peninsula Shield Forces to contribute to its security and stability at a critical juncture.
He also lauded the GCC initiative to earmark a massive $20 billion development package benefiting the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Sultanate of Oman over ten years.
Dr. Al Zayani stressed the importance of promoting comprehensive collective security in the region and protecting the GCC landmark achievements and boosting Gulf renaissance even further.
He pledged to spare no efforts to achieve the goals featuring in GCC bylaw, in line with recommendations of the GCC leaders and build on their previous decisions for the glorious march to continue unabated towards more progress, prosperity and comprehensive complementarities.
He extended his deep thanks and appreciation to the GCC leaders for approving his appointment as secretary-general in their final communiqué in Abu Dhabi in December 2010.
He also paid tribute to his outgoing secretary-general Abdulrahman bin Hamad Al Attiyah and all the other predecessors, commending their efforts and acknowledged competence, contributing greatly to the glorious GCC march. He also vowed to spare no efforts, in cooperation with the other general-secretariat officials to build on past achievements and further consolidate the march of the GCC, towards meeting the hopes and aspirations of the GCC peoples.