Addressing the opening session, he pointed out political crises gripping several countries in the world, particularly the Middle East and North Africa. He expressed respect for popular movements. He stressed the need for all concerned parties to be peaceful, rebuke all forms of violence, bigotry and extremism in voicing popular demands, affirming respect for the principles of human rights.
Dr. Ali highlighted the importance for democracy to be an internal product, urging disputes between peoples to be settled through national dialogue, beyond any exclusion. He also rejected any blatant foreign interference to hijack popular movements, as they complicate internal problems and make things even worse.
Dr. Ali described free and transparent elections as a testimony to the solid democracy and a channel for peoples to express their will. He also stressed women’s crucial role of women in the decision-making process and participation in democratic life towards creating a just culture whip promotes the complementary roles of men and women in elections, on the basis of equal opportunities.