The Conference entitled “Renewable Energy and Its Relation to the Cable and Wire World” will be attended by the leading manufacturers of electrical and telephone cables in the Arab world in addition to a significant number of international cable manufacturers and associated partners and customers.
The three day conference will focus on examining and building awareness of alternative energy solutions and opportunities for investing in alternative energy sources with a focus on the cable industry both in the Arab world and beyond.
Speakers at the conference will include Hamid Al Zayani, President of ArabCab, and a number of industry leaders and experts from the Arab world and internationally, a schedule of which will soon be announced.
“We are delighted to announce the Seventh Annual ArabCab conference. This is a particularly exciting event for the Association, our members and international audiences as we take the conference for the first time to international markets. We have chosen Spain for a number of reasons including its long historical relationship with the Arab culture and markets as well as its position among the leading centres for the development and use of alternative energy sources including home to one of the largest solar plants in the world, the Andasol Solar Power Station, located in Ishbiliya, Spain,” Zayani said.
“The conference will bring together market leaders from the Arab world and globally both in the areas of cable manufacturing as well as renewable energy. We are confident it will serve as an important opportunity for engagement and further development and discourse of key topics shaping the industry today and the way forward towards a greener and more efficient future. We will soon announce further details of the event and of our distinguished group of speakers and participants,” he added.
The Arab Cable Manufacturers Association, which is organising the conference, was established in the year 2004 and is associated with the Arab Federation for Engineering Industries. It has members of more than 65 Arab companies specialized in the manufacturing of cables.
Previous conferences were attended by more than xxx participants and held in countries including the Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain, Marrakesh, Morocco, Aqaba, Jordan, Dubai, UAE, Alexandria, Egypt and Beirut, Lebanon.