This course was organized in line with the bourse’s responsibility towards supporting the efforts of developing investor relations in the Kingdom of Bahrain, and contributes to the development of various areas in the capital markets sector in the country.
The first part of the course, which was presented by a group of specialists from various leading financial institutions, discussed several topics concerning Investor Relations, such as the importance of IR in listed companies, the structure of IR in a company’s organizational chart, the role, strategy, objectives, and major responsibilities of IR as well as the best IR practices.
The course also shed light on the role of Investor Relations serving as an effective communication channel between the company and other related parties such as shareholders, investors, media, and regulatory authorities to ensure the flow of accurate information in a way that will contribute to providing those parties with information that will enable them to take sound decisions concerning the company.
Over three days, the course provided a unique opportunity for listed companies to understand the principles of investor relations and develop their IR practices by interacting with each other and the IR specialists.
In May this year, Bahrain Bourse had signed a MoU with JP Morgan to enhance investor relations expertise in the Kingdom of Bahrain through a certified training program that is conducted annually, and will be offered to companies listed on Bahrain Bourse to transfer IR best practice.