“Our study estimates that money could be saved if more internal research was carried out to agree key issues, which a communications plan can then address. Success has more often been achieved by default, as opposed to any form of strategic planning,” Martin Winch, Chairman of M&N, said.
Following customer research carried out by leading specialist agency M&N Communications, a new division has been established by their Abu Dhabi-based office to provide strategic planning advice to their real estate clients.
“With the knowledge our clients share with us, as early as possible in the development lifecycle, we can ensure that marketing and communications investment is clearly focused on supporting their business goals,” he added.
By carrying out brand workshops, client interviews and one to one meetings with senior management and staff, M&N can identify what to say, when to say it and who to say it to. And, as specialists within the real estate sector, M&N can then create and implement a strategic campaign, with tactics and tools which are both realistic and cost effective.
“After recently preparing a detailed communications strategy for one of the region’s largest developers, we realised how many clients had still not bothered with a more strategic approach to communications planning. All too often, PR fees are earned by being reactive rather than proactive. This is simply the wrong way round and delivers poor value. Real value and brand equity can be added by adopting a more strategic focus to marketing and communications investment.”