The two sides discussed regional and international issues, recent developments in the region as well as means of consolidating security and stability, which are essential for development to continue unabated. Other key issues of joint concern were also on the agenda.
Dr. Abdul Ghaffar hailed the Congressmen for showing understanding for the developments which happened in Bahrain since last February, pointing out the results of the National Consensus Dialogue and His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa’s step to establish the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry, chaired by world-renowned Dr. Sharif Bassiouni.
They described the initiative as reflecting Bahrain’s commitment to international covenants, knowing that the media exaggerated facts and failed to expose the truth. Dr. Abdul Ghaffar and the group of congressmen discussed regional and strategic issues of concern to the Arabian Gulf region.
He explained the dimensions of the regional concern and other international interests which sought to interfere in Bahrain’s internal affairs and subvert its national security and stability, leading the GCC states to side with the Kingdom and dispatch the Peninsula Shield forces to protect its vital facilities, in line with joint defence agreements.
Bahrain Ambassador to the United States Huda Nono attended.