Following his prayer, His Majesty was briefed on the historic role played by the mosque that is considered one of the most famous in Turkey and a great tourist site that was constructed in the sixth century during the reign of Sultan Othman Ahmed I. The mosque is located in Sultan Ahmed area in Istanbul and was famously known as the Blue Mosque getting its name from its blue decorative patterns on the four pillars of the mosque’s wall. His Majesty also saw the golden religious scholar’s praying area (Mahrib).
His Majesty the King then visited the Turkish Islamic Museum and toured its various sections that contained historic Islamic artifacts and the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) belongings. Moreover, he also saw the sword of the Prophet and the honourable Caliph’s and the key of the Ka’aba along with other artifacts. At the conclusion of the visit, His Majesty extended his thanks and appreciation on the efforts exerted by Turkey towards preserving these precious historic Islamic artifacts.