Following is the text of UN Secretary General’s message:
Terrorism has killed too many of our sons, daughters and mothers, our fathers, sisters and brothers. We cannot let it tear apart the human family.
On the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the United States of America, our thoughts are with the victims and their families, and with all those who suffered or lost friends and loved ones on that terrible day.
Dreams were shattered, and wounds were opened that will never heal.
To truly honour the memory of those who died – and the sacrifice of the brave responders who rushed to the scenes of the attacks – all people must stand against terrorism.
The attacks targeted more than one single country; they were an assault on humanity itself, and on the universal values of peace and dignity the United Nations was created to promote and defend.
That is why the United Nations stood in solidarity with the United States and with all affected people and countries. The Security Council and General Assembly joined their voices in a chorus that spoke for all countries in condemning the attacks and demanding justice.
And we, the entire United Nations system, immediately proceeded to intensify an already wide-ranging and long-standing campaign against terrorism.
We pushed for adherence to international treaties that seek to cut off funds for terrorists, deny them mobility and prevent them from acquiring weapons of mass destruction.
In 2006 we adopted a Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, the first strategic approach to this threat ever to be endorsed by the entire UN membership.
The UN Alliance of Civilizations campaign has stepped up its efforts to counter the extremism and polarization that are so prominent in terrorism’s playbook by building bridges of trust and mutual understanding.
And we stood with the victims of terrorism, inviting many from around the world to a symposium at UN Headquarters to give voice to those who have been thrust to the frontlines of this fight.
At the same time, we continue our long-standing work for peace, efforts that encompass preventive diplomacy, supporting democracy and working to keep failing states from descending into chaos.
Like so many other people and institutions around the world, the United Nations has also been a target of terrorism, including just two weeks ago in Nigeria. No cause or grievance can ever justify such wanton killing and destruction.
This challenge affects the entire world. The United Nations is determined to honour the memory of those who died ten years ago by galvanizing all countries in this necessary fight to seek justice, promote peace and build a better and more secure future for generations to come.