They also demanded Bahrain to reach out to the world to reveal the truths and further activate the role of foreign media in highlighting what really happened in Bahrain and the reform steps taken over the past years. This came at a meeting between the Bahraini parliamentary delegation, led by parliament Second Deputy Chairman Adel Abdulrahman Al Ma’awda, and a British parliamentary delegation comprising senior members of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The meeting was held on the sidelines of the 125th session of the International Parliamentary Union (IPU) being held in Bern, Switzerland. The Bahraini delegation spotlighted the regrettable events which engulfed the kingdom in February and March and resulted in declaring a State of National Safety. The British delegation also enquired about the latest developments as well as the human rights status in the kingdom. The Bahraini delegation has transparently revealed the utter difference between what happened in Bahrain and any of the revolutions in other Arab countries (the Arab Spring).They explained that what happened in Bahrain was a conspiracy which was backed by foreign sides and has been confronted with a popular will and a royal wisdom. Documents and evidences have shown that the conspiracy had been plotted in advance against the kingdom as the situation in Bahrain was completely different from any other country and the proof was that all expatriates didn’t leave the Kingdom when the unfortunate incidents broke out as they remained confident in the leadership and government’s ability to restore stability and security. The delegation also spotlighted the National Consensus Dialogue phase which yielded good results that have contributed to bringing about positive changes in terms of mainly legislative, legal, economic and social work. The delegation has also shown how the parliamentary by-elections in Bahrain were also a success with many voters turning up at the polling centres despite attempts to terrorize the electors and prevent them from casting their ballots. Moreover, three women were able to win the by-elections and reach the parliament. The delegation has asserted that reform is sought by all. Yet, legal and civilizational means is the way to achieve it; they added pointing out the immoral and unprofessional practices of some doctors and teachers in trying to politicize the issue. They said stability of any country depends on security and a sound economy. However, what has been done by saboteurs put the Kingdom’s security and economy at stake. Bahrain has handled the situation nearly in the same way Britain and America do when a group of people transgress the principles of freedom and try to sow chaos, damage properties, and disrupt security and the economy, the delegation revealed pointing out the ministry in charge of safeguarding human rights in Bahrain. They also added that the situation in Bahrain is positive and improving. The British delegation urged a more proactive role of the Bahraini foreign media to reach out to the world and reveal the truth stressing weak response of officials at Bahrain embassy in London in providing them with information which they haven’t received so far. Both sides underscored strong relations between both countries wishing them more progress.