This would enable it to undertake the noble missions, for which it was established; enhancing world security and stability, entrenching justice and equality and shaping a more shining future for humans around the world.
” In a message on the occasion of the United Nations Day, tomorrow ” Monday”, HRH the Prime Minister said, ” the United Nations is an important and vital forum that need to be perpetually developed so as to meet ambitions of humanity everywhere in the world for promoting relations of friendliness and cooperation among nations and peoples, minimizing international social and economic tensions, disputes and problems that now threaten all countries of the world.HRH stressed by the Kingdom of Bahrain’s keen interest in enhancing bonds of cooperation with the United Nations and its specialized agencies, out of a firm belief that the international organization represents the conscience of humanity and appreciation for its commendable efforts in achieving rapprochement and understanding among peoples of all races and religions. HRH indicated Bahrain’s active interaction with concerns of the world. In this respect, HRH said.
“His Majesty’s vision was quite clear-cut in his speech to the United Nations General Assembly that reflects the Kingdom of Bahrain’s openness to the outside world and living its concerns, particularly under the accelerating developments experienced by the world.” HRH stressed that, in the context of its approach to contributing to firmly establishing rules for common international action that would promote humanity and avert acute conflict, the Kingdom of Bahrain adheres and commits to the United Nations Charter as a regulator for international legitimacy rules that govern relations among all states. HRH pointed out that it is the universality of principles and goals envisaged by the United Nations Charter that makes it the hub to which all nations and peoples turn to for support in times of distress and crises. The international organization has proved efficient and successful and we look forward to further successes leading to the prevalence of tranquility and stability all over the world. HRH reiterated that the efforts exerted by the international organization in pursuing sustainable development and addressing problems of disease, poverty and social indigence, in addition to its role in maintaining human rights, countering terrorism , responding to natural disasters and environmental protection, among others. In order to enhance these efforts and define landmarks for its path towards saving human kind, innovative initiative are needed. HRH indicated that enhancement of economic growth and improvement of living conditions of the peoples of poor countries are the most significant challenges to the international community and pose non-negligible obstacles to the achievement of world security and stability. He added that the United Nations is the international umbrella framework that can adopt a development model based on international partnership in supporting and enhancing gains of development. HRH the Prime Minister said, “The National Consensus Dialogue, where all national groups and forces constituted an outstanding juncture in the development process that the Kingdom of Bahrain witnesses in all fields. It proved that Bahrain is pursuing the right course towards achieving the comprehensive awakening to which we all look forward.” HRH emphasized that the government has cooperated, to the widest extent, with the Royal Fact-finding Commission, established under a royal initiative and that it kept the door wide- open for it to perform its functions with full freedom so as to accomplish its mission in the best manner and within a clear framework of transparency. He further stressed that the government has nothing to hide. HRH pointed out that the government is waiting for the findings to be released by the Commission and will examine them in detail. HRH stressed the government will spare no effort in taking appropriate measure to be recommended by the report. HRH indicated that the winning by three ladies in the supplementary representative elections, held last September, epitomizes the level of appreciation for the Bahraini woman. Women are always a significant pillar of development and partner to man in enhancing every effort aimed to the awakening and prosperity of the homeland.HRH stressed that current and new developments in several parts of the world require new strategies and enhanced cooperation and coordination on the part of all countries in order to achieve sustainable development, reach common visions to balance the aspired benefits of development and modernization efforts, on the one hand and the negative implications of growth for the lower-income brackets, on the other. HRH the Prime Minister urged international community to enhance international partnership, pursue sustained efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals by 2015 towards a stable and safe world, where its population enjoys descent life and living.HRH added, “The Kingdom of Bahrain maintains good relations with the United Nations and its specialized agencies and host a number of its offices. We also have joint action programs in several developmental and social sectors aimed to improve living conditions of citizens. This has helped create and vigorously reinforce cooperation with the object of realizing development and growth for our people.”HRH indicated that the Kingdom of Bahrain accords increasing attention to sustainable development and has already made substantial strides on this road. To this end, Bahrain has adopted a package of development programs, including continuing increases in budget allocations earmarked for spending on education, health and housing services. HRH stressed that Bahrain has managed to achieve the Millennium Development Goals through policies and strategies that meet citizens’ ambitions and aspirations and will pursue cooperation with all United Nations organs. HRH paid tribute to the active efforts exerted by the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and all staff of the international organization and its specialized agencies towards entrenching underpinnings of cooperation and solidarity among nations and peoples.