Vice Admiral Mark I. Fox, Commander, US Naval Forces Central Command NAVCENT, during a lecture at the IISS Middle East HQ in Manama, said that pirates squeezed between $8 billion to $12 billion a year, still posing a daunting challenge to the global community to combat this crime collectively.
In his lecture titled ‘NAVCENT’s and Combined Maritime Forces’ (CMF) Current Operations and Role in the Region’ said that no Navy in the world can ensure the secure waters for flow of trade.
Referring to the piracy and ransom figures of $12 billion compared with the global GDP of $75 trillion, the Admiral said though the figures of such losses was not very significant but he resolved that US by working shoulder to shoulder with its coalition partners CTF-150, CTF 151 and CTF 152.
“Piracy has become viral especially in the ungoverned parts of the world youngsters adopt this easy way of money making poising a real danger to the global community. Somalia piracy caused something around $230 million last year and we are trying to reach the actual culprits by using intelligence other methods to deal with this challenge,” Vice Admiral explained.
“The Gulf of Eden is now one of the safest water channels, thanks to the intensive patrolling by the coalition ships by using the approach of right people, right time at right place. The nature of sailors who have an added advantage while operating in the sea and cooperate with each other. We do interact with Iranians and the US Navy lent a helping hand to Iranian fishermen in the international waters many times,” he said
Responding to a question about missing $6.6 billion of US funds he declined to comment. With regard to the US-Pakistan restrained relations over the Haqqani network controversy, Vice Admiral said Pakistan being a coalition partner of CTF-150 and CTF 151 would continue to be crucial member of the US coalition. “I believe working with close allies and aides will help to make this world much safer and both combined task forces i.e. CTF 150 and CTF 151, Pakistan Navy served as command, showing the level of confidence and capability of this country to serve the global community,” he added.