Access MBA One-to-One Tour will be back in Manama on Friday 18th November for the third consecutive year with top ranking MBA programmes. The programme offers rare opportunity to advance your career with the world’s most internationally recognised business degree the MBA.
Founder of the One-to-One concept in 2003, Access MBA offers the unique chance to learn more about international MBA programmes by meeting Admissions Directors on an individual basis. After registering online, prospective MBA students are matched with the participating business schools that meet their criteria and expectations. The 20-minute meetings with school representatives are scheduled both before and at the event.
The One-to-One tour is a selective and personalised series of events designed to help business professionals find the right MBA programme. Our consulting team and GMAT partners provide advice and detailed information about how to be admitted to the best international business schools. With Access MBA, each candidate receives personalised attention and individual guidance.