Customers using these ATMs located at some of the Bank’s high volume branches will also be able to deposit real-time cash into their various accounts with the Bank, saving valuable time without the need to be committed to the Bank’s working hours. Similar to regular ATMs, a valid receipt reflecting details of the transaction will be provided once the customer either deposits cash or pays their credit card bill.
“I am pleased to roll out a further enhancement to our service in line with our commitment to making banking convenient and centered on our customers’ needs. In addition to being able to pay credit card bills online using our secure e-payment gateway in partnership with Benefit, our customers will now be also be able to pay these bills using our ATMs as well and at their convenience with a minimum amount of time spent at the machine. These new ATMs are really simple to use and safe since all our ATMs are equipped with a 24/7 CCTV camera,” Jamal Al-Hazeem, Chief Executive Officer of BMI Bank said.
“Customers of our Bank will also be able to deposit real-time cash into their accounts using these ATMs without having to visit the branches and wait in queue.”