“Etisalat has attracted foreign investment to Pakistan when entered the county in 2006 and broken the monopoly. Four operators had followed the suit and entered Pakistan,” Walid Irshaid, CEO and President of PTCL in his opening speech at the conference on Trade and Investment accompanied the exhibition, said.
The distinction of Pakistan has made it possible to PTCL to achieve its vision and beliefs in the development of the telecommunication and information sector in Pakistan and to boost the foreign investment in the country.
“PTCL and during the last five years played a great role in transformation of the telecom sector in Pakistan. The aggressive policy of expansion pursued by PTCL has enabled Pakistan to be ranked amongst the top countries with the highest growth rate in Broadband internet,” he added.
“Since PTC” entry in broadband market in 2007, the pricing and the packaging of the fast speed services offered to customers have been brought within the reach of average customers, a matter that opened unlimited possibilities on the information and knowledge front.
“We have no option rather than to succeed,” Irshaid, said.
“We have given our customers a mandate to provide them with the latest services and technologies and we are competing for the 3G license. We don’t just do business – we are part of the communities we serve. Our aim is to deliver on the promise we made to our customers, shareholders and governors and to change the socio- economic equation of the people we serve.”
The 7th UAE Expo 2011 was organized by the UAE Ministry of Foreign Trade and UAE Consulate Karachi and, was attended by senior dignitaries from both sides in addition to representatives from the government and private sectors