The ISO 14001 re-certification audit was successfully carried out by the well-known international firm Bureau Veritas without any non-conformances.
The re-certification audit was conducted as per the ISO requirements which stipulate that after three years a full evaluation audit is carried out to verify the continued implementation and adherence to all the requirements specified within the ISO 14001:2004 Standard.
The audit was conducted across the Refinery, Sitra and Wharf operating areas. The closing meeting was attended by Bapco’s Chief Executive, Gordon Smith, GM-Engineering Mohamed Ghuloom, GM-Maintenance Mahdi Hassan as well as concerned Managers, EMS Focal Points and members of Environmental Affairs.
At the closing meeting Bureau Veritas stated that the evidence gathered during the audit has confirmed that the Environmental Management System (EMS) in Bapco has been effectively implemented, maintained and meets all the requirements of the ISO 14001, therefore it has recommended the continued certification of Bapco EMS to the internationally recognised ISO14001:2004 standard. GM Engineering, Mohamed Ghuloom stated that as custodian of the EMS, he would like to extend his appreciation for the efforts exerted by EMS Focal Points led by EMS Coordinator, Ijaz Ashraf and thanked all Divisions and Departments for their cooperation during the audit.
Smith congratulated all for the continued certification of EMS ISO 14001 for the next three years and stated that it has been a tremendous effort by all to maintain the ISO 14001 certification over the last three years without any non-conformances.
He highlighted that external audits are an effective tool to identify improvements which can be made to our systems and thanked Bureau Veritas for their efforts in conducting the re-certification audit and highlighting areas where further improvements are required. He also thanked all Bapco staff for their continued efforts towards the EMS programme.