These new figures were released as the National Commission charged with the recommendations cited in the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry (BICI) convened today for its 6th meeting.
The panel discussed replies submitted by the Government, detailing progress achieved so far in implementing the recommendations and recent developments, particularly the successful visit legal experts to Bahrain.
The delegation held a meeting with National commission, hailing the panel’s commitment to implement the recommendations in conformity with utmost standards.
The Government pointed out the order issued by the Interior Minister to recruit 500 community policemen and women from the five governorates.
It updated the commendation with the order issued on December 24, 2011 by the Interior Minister detailing the steps undertaken by the general inspector to guarantee the suspects’ rights, as well as the amendments related to the procedures governing arrests, custody and the training of officers.
National Commission Chairman Ali bin Saleh Al-Saleh described the detailed replies as assuring, stressing continuous coordination with the Government to ensure all recommendations are implemented in conformity with the highest international standards. In a letter addressed to the Government, the panel suggested amending the decree-law 14 for 2002 on establishing the National Security Agency.
It pointed out the importance of ensuring public security forces regular training towards bolstering the protection of human rights.
It also urged a code of police conduct to ensure its conformity with the best UN practices, stressing the importance to take all step[s to implement recommendation 1722 on interrogating detainees and suspects in custody at the Public Prosecution.
The commission was updated on the talks undertaken by the Government and Information Affairs Authority (IAA) with prominent international experts reputed for their knowhow in promoting media openness.
They will help the IAA officials with proposals on implementing recommendations.
The national reconciliation subcommittee stressed the importance of anchoring co-existence and pluralism. It pointed out the recommendation (1724) on easing up media censorship, and allowing the opposition wider use of TV and radio broadcasting as well as print media.
Following a decision undertaken by the panel, the IAA will have to draw up a national media strategy aimed at fostering shared national values and cementing national unity between all social components.
The IAA assured the adoption of a fair and professional media policy that is balanced towards the opposition which should be undertaken by taking into account opinions related to the speeding of procedures related to legislative and executive reform. This in turn achieves more living demands for citizens and must be presented to official media establishments to attain the trust of citizens.
This can only be achieved by giving the opportunity to all political and community power the form the Bahraini community to appear in the local official media.
The country must resolve all shortcomings towards citizens through television and radio programmes. Moreover, the coverage of all activities and seminars organized by political societies and highlighting their content in the media and opening the venue for discussing them that in turn would hold all those responsible for their statements in accordance with the articles of the constitution and regulations of the country.
Moreover, media cadres must be trained to attain more experience within international standards with the focus on cadres involved in political and social affairs. Also stopping all that instigates sectarianism in official media establishments.
Meanwhile, with regard to recommendation (1724-B) related to placing the criteria for media professionalism and other forms of publications that would in turn preserve professional and ethical standards.
This could help avoid the effects of hatred and violence and non-tolerance.
The committee decided speeding up of procedures to issues legislation related to the publication and printing industry on all levels it be audio, visual and electronically; this should take into consideration what Bahrain had gone through that led to sectarianism in the media and social media played a role in; requesting the Bahrain Journalist Association in preparing this legislation towards national reconciliation; highlighting joint issues toward reinforcing national unity that calls for sect tolerance placing more focus on it and re-organizing official media bodies and getting capable media cadres to build media establishments.