The opening address was on Hip and Knee Arthroplasties – Controversies and Debates. “This was a special honour,” Dr. Heinz said, “as the Marcel Kerboull Institute is a highly reputed global centre for the progress of Orthopaedic Surgery.” Dr. Heinz Roettinger represented one of only three countries invited to attend the forum – Japan, Britain and Bahrain.
MKI, founded in 2000, is open to all orthopaedic surgeons as well as those who are not surgeons who work towards the progress of Orthopaedic Surgery. The association establishes scientific links between its members, to contribute to clinical research, development and the teaching of Orthopaedic Surgery with a special emphasis on Prosthetic Surgery. An annual Forum in Paris brings participants and attendees up to date on developments, successes and new thinking from around the world.
At the Forum, Dr. Heinz debated with the world famous Dr. Thierry Judet, son of the pioneering orthopaedic surgeon, Dr. Robert Judet – who performed the first hip replacement using the anterior approach in 1947. Under the subject of Anterior Hip Approach surgery and Arthroplasty the Moderator / Chairman for the discussion, Emmanuel De Thomasson facilitated the debate between Dr. Thierry Judet and Dr. Heinz on the issue, “Should we still use the metal-metal large diameter? Is There A Reason to still use large metallic femoral heads?” The Forum also covered other aspects of Hip Replacement surgery and Knee Arthroplasty. The debate threw light on a number of aspects of this growing field of surgery now increasingly resorted to by active athletes including race- car drivers and golfers.
Prof. Dr. Heinz Roettinger, the founder of Bahrain’s German Orthopaedic Hospital (GOH) is a world-renowned expert in the field of Minimal Invasive Surgery (MIS) for hip and knee replacement.