The Central Bank said the aggregated balance sheet for retail banks increased by 0.5% to reach BD26.117.2 billion at end-March 2012 compared to end-February 2012. “Year-on-year, the aggregated balance sheet is 5.1% higher than it was at end-March 2011,” the CBB statistics show.
Total outstanding loans for retail banks increased by 0.5% at end-March 2012 compared to end-February 2012 to stand at BD6.585.9 billion. Year-on-year, total domestic credit is 15.9% higher than it was at end-March 2011.
Lending rates for business and personal sectors decreased to 4.64% and 6.27% respectively against to end-February 2012.
Total outstanding loans to businesses increased by 1.0% to reach BD4.229.5 billion at end-March 2012. The increase is mainly due to growth in “transport and communication” (12.2%), “Construction and real estate” (2.6%) and Manufacturing by 1.8%. Year-on-year, outstanding loans to business is 14.3% higher than it was at end-March 2011.
Total outstanding loans to the personal sector decreased by 0.5% to reach BD 2.149.9 billion at end-March 2012. This was mainly due to drops in Credit card receivables (2.9%), property mortgage (1.5%) and Salary assignments by 1.0%. Year-on-year, outstanding loans to the personal sector increased by 22.6%.
Total deposits grew by 0.7% to reach BD9.719.8 billion at end-March 2012, compared to end-February 2012. Year-on-year, total deposits is 7.1% higher than it was at end-March 2011.