The Kingdom of Bahrain is seeking a political solution based on dialogue to the crisis but remains vigilant on the security and public safety, which remains a top priority of the Government, according to a statement issued by the IAA quoting Justice Minister.
This statement was just the latest in a number of attempts that Government of Bahrain has made to reassure all political parties that participation in dialogue is still being offered as the Kingdom continues on its path to democratic reform that began with the ratification of the National Charter through referendum a decade ago.
“The door remains open for dialogue, but this dialogue should be based on a real renunciation of violence and recognizing all components of society,” Shaikh Khalid in an interview with Agence France-Presse, said.
The Minister also reiterated the importance of recent Constitutional Amendments that give more power to the elected Lower House of Parliament, including the right to pass a vote of no confidence on the government (including the Prime Minister who functions as its head) which could lead to its removal and the formation of a new government.
Sheikh Khalid slammed the use of violence and sectarian agendas promoted by clerics entering the political arena, stating such illegitimate tactics have been embraced by some elements in the opposition, leading to an escalation in violence by gangs of extremists targeting police forces and civilians.