Five VIVA players, Rawabi Al Qahtani, Yusuf Murad, Ammar Ramadhan, Abdulla AlThawadi and Yusuf AlRahma were awarded with highly respected Manchester United Soccer School pin badges on the basis of their code of conduct and performance on the field during the week. While Rawabi AlQahtani received the award for her hard work and teamwork, Yusuf Murad for demonstrating positive attitude and enthusiasm on the pitch, and Abdulla Al Thawadi for his team playing skills and Ammar Ramadhan and Yusuf AlRahma were awarded for their good performance in various skill challenges.
“This was my first experience at a training camp and following a rigorous football routine. I gained immensely from the coaching and am now eager to apply newly acquired skills on the pitch. I wish to thank VIVA for this great opportunity,” commenting on his win, Yusuf Murad said.
“This recognition has boosted my confidence and has challenged me to work harder towards my goal of becoming a good footballer. Training in the UK under the guidance of international coaches has been the best experience for me,” another player, Yusuf AlRahma, said.
Having undergone an experience of a lifetime with the world’s best known football club, VIVA footballers had an extensive training schedule spanning a week which focused on various aspects of player development such as fundamental football skills, maintaining a healthy lifestyle through proper nutrition and diet, players’ behaviour and attitude on and off the pitch, numerous skill challenges, dribbling, shooting, passing and ball control. VIVA players’ benefited much more than just football training and gained so much confidence from attending various sessions designed to help vital social skills as well as technique on the pitch.
VIVA footballers received expert football training from three UEFA qualified coaches from Manchester United Soccer Schools who used state-of-the-art training equipment and player diary to monitor progress and ongoing development of each of the players throughout the week.
Manchester United Soccer School coaches, Andy Robinson, Will Patz and Michael Sup were impressed by the talent and passion for the game demonstrated by the young players. The coaches paid extra attention towards enhancing strengths of each individual player, highlighted weaknesses that needed to be addressed through coaching and practice and helped the players to deliver their best on the pitch.
“I am impressed with the standard of play delivered by such technically competent young players from Bahrain. Most of them were imaginative and creative on the pitch, came up with ideas to perform drills differently which I hadn’t seen before, showed willingness to listen to the coaches and learn and most importantly, enjoyed playing football with a smile on their face,” Coach Michael Sup, one of the Manchester United Soccer School coaches, said.
One of the highlights of the training course was the exclusive opportunity VIVA footballers received was to train at Carrington, where the first team of Manchester United football club trains and met up with Manchester United Legend, Dion Dublin. Dublin interacted with the young players, offered soccer tips and even participated in a variety of small-sided games.
“We learnt a new skill every day and were taught how to put them to effective use on and off the field. We had more one-on-one time with the coaches, attended longer football training sessions and had a once in a lifetime opportunity of training at Carrington, which was great,” commenting on her training experience at Manchester United Soccer School, Farah Ghaly said.
The week-long football training camp in the UK was an all-expenses paid trip organized by VIVA Bahrain which included fun activities for the players such as trip to Old Trafford – Theatre of Dreams and the megastore.