The company in a statement said that it was able to achieve higher sale figures despite global economic uncertainties. Alba sales figures topped 446,044 in H1 2012, a slight increase of 675 metric tonnes versus 445,370 metric tonnes in the same period of 2011.
Value-Added (VA) sales continued to gain momentum in the in second quarter of 2012 reaching 67% up from 63% in first quarter. For H1 2012, Alba averaged 65% for VA sales slightly below 67% in H1 2011 due to the slowdown in Europe in the first quarter of 2012.
“Alba’s success in adopting lean management techniques as well as Six Sigma reinforces the strong fundamentals of the company and has set the tone of delivering enhanced competitiveness in our operations,” Alba’s Chief Executive, Laurent Schmitt, commenting on Alba’s achievement in H1 2012, said.
“Our sales and production figures reflect the company’s operational focus on delivering progress while facing challenges — recent LME downward trend,” he added.
“We are confident that with our dedicated workforce, Alba is well-placed to remain on track for the remainder of 2012.”
“Alba has been consistently ranked as one of the largest aluminium smelters in the world, and is known for its technological strength, global competitiveness and innovative policies. Alba produces more than 860,000 metric tonnes per annum of aluminium which meet or exceed the industry standard for purity, with products including standard and T-ingots, extrusion billets, rolling slab, propertzi ingots, and molten aluminium. It has also maintained a strong track record of operational safety and environmental compliance.”