The governor explored with Charlie the steps taken by the Kingdom of Bahrain in implementing a programme to combat narcotics in 55 public and private schools comprising more than 28,000 students who benefited from the program, and the outcome of its implementation in association with the Education Ministry and parents aimed at increasing cultural awareness and boosting community partnership with support from the Interior Ministry endorsing the annual budget for the program.
The governor also explored the proposed establishing of a regional Gulf Center for Training and Qualification of police officers who implement the program.
The programme, according to the Governor, was included as a working paper within the 26th meeting of the directors of the GCC Anti-Narcotics Departments last April which made a recommendation that the educational directorate in the human rights affairs and environmental affairs should be provided with a copy of the program to be discussed by GCC ministries of education officials regarding inclusion as a school subject.
A study shall be conducted regarding the establishing of a GCC Center for Training of Anti-Violence Anti-Narcotic Officers to be discussed during the upcoming meeting.
Shaikh Abdullah bin Rashid Al Khalifa emphasized the participation of a Bahraini delegation comprising implementers of the program during the D.A.R.E International organization’s conference in Atlanta, Georgia, USA in the period 23-26 July 2012 in order to get familiar with experience of countries which implemented the programme as well as review latest developments and additions made by the Kingdom of Bahrain as a leading country in the domain of awareness regarding the hazards of violence and addiction and the experience of all Bahraini community partnership.
During the meeting, it was agreed to perform the third training course aimed at boosting the qualifications of community service police and increasing the number of students who benefit from the program in the Kingdom’s public schools during September and October 2012. Also alongside with the training course which is unlike any of the previous training courses a media advertising campaign shall be conducted in harmony with Bahraini norms, customs and traditions.