“The message is to highlight the unacceptable increase in the number of minor traffic and vehicle accidents that could lead to a very serious accident or even fatality if preventive action is not taken” a Bapco official said.
The procedure explained the necessary steps to eliminate and prevent these accidents from happening to employees and their families. A Stand Down is a designated tool to provide all employees with time to talk together about safety issues before a serious incident such as Lost Time Injury, Environmental and Health incident, Major Oil Spill or Fire. “It is a period of time when the whole organization stops work and associated activities to discuss a key safety topic”, the source continued.
“The purpose of a Stand-Down is to reflect on a serious incident or mishap in the organization or to improve safety readiness before major events,” he added.
The source explained that the objectives are to increase operational readiness, evaluate safety and health risks, correct deficiencies and emphasize awareness of good, environment, safety and health (EHS) practices for all Bapco and Contractor employees.
“This procedure applies to all Bapco and Contractor employees working within the Company operating areas. Managers are required to meet with all employees to explain to them the potential incident, its consequences, its causes, measures taken to control the situation and recommended action to prevent occurrence.
“Bapco carries out safety stand downs BEFORE an incident happens based on an analysis of our accumulated safety data”, the source added.