“Bapco has achieved an incident and injury free record of refining for the first half of 2012,” Bapco’s Chief Executive, Gordon Smith, said.
“Bapco has successfully complied with the vision of “Striving for Excellence” and has been achieving excellence as shown in the records during this period”, the Chief Executive said.
Smith added that Bapco recently celebrated 5 million man-hours worked without a lost time injury. “This means that all of the Bapco and Contractor employees who have attended work within Bapco facilities have been able to return home without significant injury for the last 230 days,”he said.
“Bapco’s next target is 8 million man-hours”. Smith said that one of Bapco’s major capital investment projects, the Waste Water Treatment Project WWTP recently achieved an additional 2 million man-hours without a lost time injury.
“This is a tremendous achievement considering the high risk activities that are being carried out in constructing a new facility. The strong safety record is not due to luck, but rather to the strong safety culture within the organization, as well as decades of development in the health and safety standards and procedures” the Chief Executive added.
“The significant health and safety successes are set against a back drop of high refinery on-stream factor”. He also said that the refinery currently processed over 800,000 barrels of crude above the business plan budget. “This is a testament to the hard work, diligence and dedication of all Bapco staff and contractors, in ensuring that the refinery processed safely the maximum possible crude rate”, Smith said.