In his message on this auspicious occasion of the 66th Independence Day, the Ambassador congratulated the Pakistan community in Bahrain as well as the Government and the friendly people of the Kingdom.
Following is the text of the message:
“14th August is a significant day for the people of Pakistan. On this day a separate homeland was created where people could live in freedom and shape their lives according to their values and could freely practice their religion. This day is celebrated each year with a spirit of patriotism and great enthusiasm within the country and all over the world wherever Pakistani Diaspora is settled. The Founding Fathers of Pakistan envisaged a country where democracy, constitutionalism and respect of human rights would reign supreme.
“We are so fortunate that this year we are celebrating Independence Day in the holy month of Ramadan, as 66 years before Pakistan was created on 27th of Ramadan. Today, Pakistan is beset many challenges but every challenge can be surmounted by continuous struggle and dedicated efforts.
“Pakistan historically enjoys friendly and brotherly relations with the Kingdom of Bahrain which have grown stronger over the years. The close people to people contact and inter -government interactions have been growing in strength. Both countries share common perception on a host of issues of peace and development and regional security both in the Gulf as also in South and South-West Asia. We also share similar views on a number of regional and international issues,” he said.
“I am confident that these bonds of friendship and brotherhood, based on commonality of interest, shared traditions and a common Islamic heritage, are destined to grow stronger in the years ahead to the mutual benefit of our people.
“Pakistan Community is significantly contributing to the development in Bahrain, both in public and private sectors. I am proud of their hard work and achievements.”
“May I urge that it is binding for our community to maintain the existing healthy and positive reputation of fully respecting the local laws and culture and serving and contributing towards bright future of Bahrain.”