Professor Mohammed Yunis, who won the Noble Prize 2006 and founder of Grameen Bank and Yunis Center Foundation at the United Nations, told the 24X7 News that economic empowerment of youngsters have become more relevant in post economic crisis.
“The Kingdom of Bahrain has all ingredients to become business and start-up businesses hub in the region,” thanks to the leadership vision and the necessary infrastructure, he said.
Prof Yunis was talking to media on the sidelines of the opening of the Social Entrepreneurship week 2012 in Bahrain, being organised by the Ministry of Social Development and organized by the Family Bank in cooperation with the German Foundation “Grameen for Creativity.”
Deputy Premier, His Highness Shaikh Mohammed Bin Mubarak Al Khalifa officially opened the week at the Ceremony in presence of Professor Mohammed Yunis, also attended by the Deputy Prime Ministers, the Ministers and chairmen of institutions, banks and government officials.
Shaikh Mubarak stressed that the goal of the initiatives of Entrepreneurship was to enable Bahraini Youth who had new views, a strong determination and creativity to divert those views into small projects that were able to grow, develop and produce to become the engine and a key motive for the creation of new jobs. Those jobs would contribute to the achievement of income and a better standard of living for themselves and the children of their community.
Deputy Premier said that the Bahraini Youth appreciated that unique experience in the social and economic work, to achieve their aspirations, dreams and take their role in reinforcing and promoting the productive business. He also highlighted that the government and all the state agencies had done great efforts to create different conditions and benefit from all international experiences in that area, either through providing education, or training and financing opportunities for young people.
His Highness Shaikh Mubarak praised the efforts done by Professor Mohammed Yunis, who was the first initiator to promote the idea of social economy and creating spacious areas for low-income people to improve their income level and increase their contribution to their community and economy.
He considered that the present partnership between Yunis Center at the United Nations, Grameen Foundation and Family Bank in Bahrain was a perfect model of providing a successful support for the low-income people.
Deputy Premier thanked the Minister of Social Development, Dr. Fatma Al Bulooshi, and the Management of Family Bank and all parties in the public and private sectors for the efforts and support they had provided for the pioneering projects, wishing them all success in accomplishing more achievements in the field of social economy in Bahrain.
The Minister of Social Development, Dr. Fatma Al Bulooshi delivered a speech welcoming His Highness the Deputy Premier, Shaikh Mohammed Bin Mubarak Al Khalifa for his generous patronage of the ceremony.
Professor Mohammed Yunis also delivered a speech welcoming His Highness the Deputy Premier, Shaikh Mohammed Bin Mubarak Al Khalifa for patronizing that international forum and the role of the Bahraini Government in supporting and spreading the culture of social economy to raise the standard of living of low-income citizens.