The SIU initially charged the accused with murder, which the accused denied stating that he used necessary force to defend his own life when faced by the deceased who was about to through a Molotov cocktail bomb on him from a very close distance. This was confirmed by the remaining members of the patrol, and by the judicial police investigation into the incident. Papers are currently being prepared for final action in the case, taking into consideration that the case as described above, strongly points to legal self-defense, which is a legally justifiable cause.
The Unit also commenced its inquiry into the death of deceased Bahraini citizen Hossam Al Haddad in Muharraq on August 17th, 2012. The Unit interrogated the accused policeman and ordered a forensic examination of the deceased. It has also heard five of the witnesses who were present at the scene, as well as five other police officers.
In the course of investigation of torture and ill-treatment allegations in the case of medical staff, Public Prosecution completed questioning fourteen of the complainants, five witnesses and seventeen of the accused public security personnel. Their charges include the use of force and threats to force a confession to crimes (Articles 75.4 and 208.1 of the Penal Code); misdemeanor assault (Article 339 of the Penal Code); and misdemeanor slander (Article 365 of the Penal Code).
The Public Prosecution sent two police officers (a male and a female) to trial by the High Criminal Court. The first was charged with the use of torture, force and threats (directly or through others) against four of the accused, in order to force them to confess to a crime. The Pubic Prosecution also made similar charges against the second officer for forcing two of the accused women to confess. Prosecutors have requested punishments as stipulated in Articles 75.4 and 208.1 of the Penal Code. A hearing is scheduled for 1 October 2012.
The Public Prosecution also ordered a copy of the papers to be produced for independent action to be taken in the remaining acts, where the other facts as stated in case documents constitute assault and slander.