This workshop “Uplifting Customer Service and Building Service Cultures” was held to a sell-out audience at Crowne Plaza Hotel Convention Centre in Manama.
It attracted a wide variety of professionals across all fields both in the public and private sectors across the GCC.
Opened by BIBF Director Garry Muriwai, he set the scene for the day explaining why BIBF saw a service culture approach as vital to organisations.
The service leadership Workshop provided an outlook on some of the most relevant revolutionary approaches for knowing how to build an uplifting service culture for sustainable competitive advantage.
The workshop consisted of various lectures given by International expert Ron Kaufman who is the world’s leading educator and motivator for uplifting customer service and building service cultures, rated one of the “Top 25 Who’s Hot” Speakers around the Globe & a New York Times Best seller of his book “Uplifting Service”.
Participants learned proven strategies, best practice, case studies and techniques to build and reinforce a superior service culture
The lectures helped participants to build alignment with each other, embrace a common service vision and commit to take strong action as role models for superior service.
“The people of Bahrain clearly understand the importance of stepping up their service in our competitive world. Especially in challenging economic times, building an Uplifting Service culture is the key to sustainable advantage with customers and with colleagues,” Kaufman, added.