It was announced in Dallas, Texas, where Adnan was announced as the winner by American Finance House LARIBA in a ceremony held in the city of Dallas, Texas, USA. The award ceremony was part of a one-day International Symposium on Islamic Banking and Finance which was concluded by a gala dinner to recognize the awardees. The symposium covered many issues in the fields of monetary theory, Riba-Free economics, prohibition of Riba in other faiths and strategies to popularize a Riba- Free life style especially in the United States among all people of faiths. The dinner function was attended by Congressmen, Senators, and surrounding cities’ Mayors, Religious leaders of all faiths, lmams and leaders of the Muslim community.
“This Award gives us the resolve and determination to proceed with the service of the Kingdom of Bahrain and its aspirations to enhance the bright image of Islamic Banking sector, in which we are pioneer regionally and internationally,” President and Chief Executive of Al Baraka Banking Group Adnan Ahmed Yousif, said.
The LARIBA Award tradition was started in 1999 to recognize significant contributors in the field of Islamic finance and banking. A partial list of the awardees includes Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Ben Mohammed, Professor Nejatullah Siddiqui, Sheikh Saleh Abdulla Kamel, Tan Sri Mohamed Nor Yakcop (Minister of Finance in Malaysia), Professor Sabahattin Zaim (Turkey), Professor Dr. Rifaat Abdel Karim (Sudan) and many other leaders in the field.
American Finance House LARIBA was founded in 1987 in the United States. The Bank was acquired in 1998 by the shareholders of LARIBA. LARIBA is the oldest community owned Riba-Free (RF) finance company and the first ever in the United States. All capital resources are from the American Muslim Community in 40 states.