Participants at the workshop will hear from faculty members of leading advisory institutions on building board members’ capabilities, and will have the opportunity to engage in extensive peer discussion.
Her Excellency Shaikha Mai bint Mohammed Al Khalifa, Minister Of Culture of the Kingdom Of Bahrain, will be addressing the topics of Culture and Bahrain at the BDI alumni dinner on the second night of the workshop, whereas Samer Majali, CEO of Gulf Air, will be delivering the keynote speech during the welcome dinner on “Establishing a Strong Corporate Governance Framework at Gulf Air”.
This is the third workshop to be hosted by Investcorp and the thirteenth in a series of workshops on Corporate Governance conducted by BDI.
“We are very pleased to be hosting, once again, BDI Director Workshop on Corporate Governance. In my interactions with analysts and investors, it is becoming more and more apparent that, apart from looking at a business’ numbers, all stakeholders attach a great deal of value to corporate governance. There is strong evidence that those companies that have good corporate governance structures always perform better than those that have weak governance structure,” Mohammed Al-Shroogi, Investcorp’s President, Gulf Business said.
“We are thrilled to have Investcorp hosting the workshop,” Dr. Abdullah Al-Abdulgader, Founding Executive Director of BDI, said.
“They are widely acknowledged as the leading expert on corporate governance in the region and globally, and have a great understanding that corporate governance delivers far superior returns to all stakeholders.”
The workshop will be attended by board directors and CEO’s from leading corporate entities and institutions in the region, including Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabian Mining Company (MA’ADEN) and Emirates NBD amongst others.
“During the workshop we will be sharing with the attendees how corporate governance is now being included as one of the key items which determines the ranking and competitiveness of economies globally, along with other intangible areas such as corporate responsibility, corporate strategy and risk mitigation,” Dr Al-Abdulgader added.