Al-Jowder received the UAE poet and journalist, Saud Al-K’abi, asserting that the GCC media is well aware of the significance of excellent young cadres as one of the contributory factors for developing plans and contributing in terms of output in order to serve the whole community. Al-Jowder praised all young media talents who are capable of working in various media disciplines including programs’ technical preparation, production and presentation as the source of our pride.
The UAE poet and journalist Saud Al-K’abi thanked GOYS’ president Hisham Al-Jowder for the cordial reception and praised GOYS’ distinctive role in supporting and brushing up talents in order to produce capable batches of young generations who are capable of assuming responsibilities in various domains in the future. Saud Al-K’abi added that the programs and activities offered by the GCC states each and every year should be showcased in such a manner as to attract promising, excellent young talents