Abouhamad is Founder and Managing Partner of Interone Resonance Middle East LLC, Dubai and IAA Vice President and Area Director for Middle East and Africa, a position he has held since 2010.
“The advertising business has no doubt entered a new phase of evolution. Growing challenges from various new regulations across various markets will ultimately affect the desired excellence in communication. Further investments and sharpening of the on-board resources in favour of better delivery will receive a higher focus from various players within the industry,” Abouhamad said.
An IAA member since 1984 Abouhamad has served as IAA Vice President for Government Affairs Middle East during the 2008-2010 terms.
Before his appointment to Chairman and World President, Abouhamad served on the UAE Chapter Board of Directors and acts as their representative on the IAA World Board. Professionally, Abouhamad has held in senior positions at Publicis from 1980-1988, McCann Middle East 1988-2004 and at WPP before moving to run his own agency, Interone Resonance Middle East LLC.
“I am looking forward to working closely with all stakeholders of the industry as we place high emphasis on working together with our corporate members to limit any negative impact resulting from new regulation while our role in education will be stepping up a gear in the coming years,” Abouhamad added.
The International Advertising Association, the world’s only globally integrated advertising trade association, is split into five worldwide regions: Middle East and Africa, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, USA and Canada and each of these regions has several chapters within it. Within its structure, the Association comprises of three constituencies: Individual Members, Chapters and Corporate Members.
The IAA’s activity worldwide actively works to strengthen the position of the marketing communications business in the market place by acting as a central hub and respected go-to for industry professionals. The IAA promotes the role and benefits of advertising in all healthy economies and the foundation of diverse, independent media. It provides a forum for industry debate, promotes brand building and protection and advancement of freedom of commercial speech and consumer choice. IAA encourages greater practice and acceptance of advertising self-regulation and takes the lead in state-of-the-art professional development through education and training.