The Assembly also demanded to end the ongoing spate of terror unleashed by thugs against the residents and expatriates in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
“Despite the unforeseen incident of the February 14, 2011 which people of Bahrain had witnessed during the one month long crisis and high hopes that things will come back to normal remains a far cry, the NUA Chief said.
“We had high hopes as result of the concerted efforts towards achieving long lasting peace which now seemed fading away,” Abdulatif Al Mahmood, President National Unity Assembly told a Press conference.
The NUA Chief warned that there would be no dialogue until the violence and the terrorist acts stop.
“No dialogue unless the citizens and residents are reassured on their future and the future of their children and grandchildren,” he added.
“The ugly incidents of 2011 has resulted from the unearthing of two plots against the people of Bahrain, first, to overthrow the government, which was represented by calls for the abolition of the Constitution, calls for election of a constituent body for a new constitution and to resolve the existing government to form a transitional government,” he said.
“Those moves calls of the dissidents were aiming at establishing of an Islamic Republic, with preachers of this republic to follow the principle of Welayat Alfaqih or state supporters of the Shi’ate believers AlMahdi. They undoubtedly know which Islamic republic they want – nothing but an Islamic republic modeled on the Iranian state, which was set up by the US administration and its collaborators in the land of Iraq and killed Sunnis and Shiites alike to achieve political interests. Hence the fear of the factional dimension from 2005 that Bahrain will be the second phase after Iraq.
“Secondly, we discovered a conspiracy to spread the spirit of hatred and resentment in the hearts of their followers by some religious leaders. They plant motives against their partners in the homeland – citizens and residents- on the basis of their narrow minded approach against the rest of the communities. This narrow minded approach is now exposed as it recently happened to Hassan bin AlSheikh Abdullah AlMadani’s civil attack on his home and self.”
“The results of this sordid plot embedded with attacks on the Sunnis and the residents in the streets, hospitals and schools – as has been proven by Professor Bassiouni’s report, aimed at fanning a sectarian tension and dissent among the people of Bahrain, which the country never witnessed in its history over centuries,” he said.
“What happened during the last two days is condemnable and we want to share this with you that we were let down.”
“While every second person across the globe is talking about a policeman slapping a citizen and the Interior Minister’s decision to investigate the issue, we see terror operations increasing from parties and we witnessed a policeman getting crashed by a car two days ago and are in a deplorable condition. Then we see judicial rulings were issued, which commuted to life imprisonment the death sentences of two convicts who killed two policemen during last year’s unrest. The court reduced the terms of four others held over the same case from life imprisonment to 15 years in jail, while a seventh defendant, whose sentence was also commuted to 15 years behind bars, remains missing.
“This came as a big shock to us the people of Al Fateh and those stood for the defence of the people of Al Fateh. We see this yielding to international pressure – this is to satisfy the international community that pressures the security of the homeland and its citizen. “Do you offer rewards for terrorists and ongoing acts of violence and terrorism, in the time which demands rigorous and firm application of law?
“While we respect the judiciary and demand its independence and demand the application of the law to all criminals, we have this question which arises clear – are these provisions for the heads of the judiciary system to be using it as they please?
“These recent events have dashed our hopes and searching for a solution to the crisis, on behalf of the people of Bahrain we say that we refuse the politicization of the judiciary and interfering in; reject duplication of law enforcement; reject the attitude of underestimating the right of the Bahraini people, in terms of security and safety to them and residents; reject the exploitation of the recommendations of Bassiouni to rewardterror acts against the right of the nation, its citizens and residents; will not to bow to foreign pressure and will not allow Bahrain to be pressured by external forces or internal opposition forces.
“I want to assure you that there has been no political dialogue between us and any of the parties – neither government nor opposition forces. All rumours on social media reading this are baseless.
“We declare that we will mark the second anniversary of the NUA gathering on Thursday 21 February, 2013, where we will renew the Covenant to protect the homeland and its citizens.”