The committee will be chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Shaikh Khalid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa and feature in its membership Finance Minister as Deputy Chairman, Parliament Affairs Minister, State Minister for Electricity and Water Affairs and Transportation Minister.
The Governor of the Central Bank of Bahrain shall be invited to attend the committee’s meetings on regular basis and the committee has to appoint a rapporteur to prepare for its meetings and assume tasks assigned with him.
The committee will be in charge of mapping out policies, programs and mechanisms to control and rationalize the government spending, increase revenues, enhance productivity and optimize the use of financial resources at ministries and government bodies, including parties with independent and appended budgets.
The committee has all needed prerogatives to carry out the duties assigned with it and can summon ministers and senior officials to attend its meetings when needed. It can also assign them with well-determined missions relevant to the committee’s specialties, objectives and responsibilities.
The committee has to determine its work procedures and convenes at a request by its chairman or Deputy Chairman in the fixed place and time.
The committee’s meeting should not be valid unless it is attended by the majority of its members, including the Chairman and Deputy Chairman.
Decisions are issued with absolute majority of the votes and in case of a tie, the Chairman’s side will have the say.
The committee’s decisions and recommendations shall be forwarded to the Prime Minister to take the necessary decisions.