This was announced during a Press conference addressed by the Council of Representatives which led by MP Jassim Saeedi and addressed by a half of dozen MPs who believed that it was the obligation of the Government to save the people and state from the acts of terror from organisations like Hezbollah.
MPs want to discuss the issue of Hezbollah during the upcoming Cabinet meeting on next Sunday and also seek a quick action so that legislators can play their role in framing the new laws on terrorism.
“The inclusion of Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation will help the judicial system to punish the saboteurs backed by Hezbollah,” Abdulrahman Rashid Bumjaid, MP and Head of Foreign Affairs, Defence and National Security told The 24X7 News.
“There is an existing law 58 of 2006 which clearly defines the acts of terror and lays down the punishment for committing such heinous crimes and efforts to list Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation will further strengthen the existing legal system,” MP Bumjaid, added.
“Being MPs this is a first step towards further legislation on this very important topic and we hope that all branches of the Government will work swiftly on this issue,” he said.