“In unity there is strength, and since we are facing a common threat, we have no other option but activate the initiative of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdulla bin Abdulaziz Al Saud to move from the cooperation phase to the Union one so as to build a united entity that can repel and confront the multi-kind plots faced by the GCC states,” he said.
This came as HRH Premier received at the Gudaibiya Palace a number of intellectual, press, business and media figures, in line with his constant desire to meet all segments of the Bahraini society and exchange with them cordial talks on issues related to the nation and the citizens.
HRH Premier pointed out that although those behind the crisis that the kingdom has gone through over the past two years claimed they were seeking reform, reality has proved that they served different goals that have nothing to do with reform.
He emphasized that the way has been paved for those seeking reform to make their demands, but the vicious circle in which they are caught does not reflect in serious or sincere intentions from their part.
“The political leadership and the people of Bahrain will support all those who have has engaged in dialogue for the aim of reform, in line with the belief that “Development is a non-stop process.”
HRH Prime Minister added that Bahrain, leadership and people, will succeed in facing and foiling all attempts to sow division among the members of the united and cohesive Bahraini people.
“We have enough patience, confidence and national experience, as well as accurate diagnosis of the situation to do that and we are capable of doing that,” he stressed, calling upon those present to always prioritise the interests of their homeland in order to protect it from those conspiring against it.
“Let it be clear for those who attempt to cause harm to our secure and peaceful society that they will not be allowed to rejoice of their evil intentions,” he said, adding that some groups were, unfortunately, tricked to be tools of destruction against their motherland through acts of sabotage and vandalism.
“We believe strongly that such groups will not prevail in Bahrain, a country whose all citizens are united for its unity, security and stability,” he explained, noting that all attempts to undermine national unity and integrity will fail thanks to the Bahraini people’s strong patriotic awareness.
During the same meeting, HRH Premier stressed the need to push the economic and commercial marches further, and not give priority to politics at the expense of economy.
He confirmed that Bahrain’s traders and businessmen have always had their say in national affairs and been the most eager not to destabilize the country as security and stability are essential requirements for trade to thrive, and, therefore, their voice has to remain resonant.
HRH Premier also expressed sincere thanks and appreciation to media figures, intellectuals, journalists and columnists for their dedication and national contributions, lauding their crucial role in consolidating national awareness.