The theme of the competition was ‘tomorrow’s entrepreneurs are born today’. The winners introduced ‘My tray’. My tray was a bag, which when it opened had a tray with colouring equipment and several flash cards that served as models. The rear of the bag though was a soft pillow that the child could rest its head on when it wanted to rest.
The second team exhibited a box ‘El Gouti’. The box contained five traditional games – dawama, Habal, Teela, Sikana and Ellayfat. The rules of the games were placed in the box in both Arabic and English.
The box and the games were intended to take the child back to its traditional roots. The advent of modern toys, said the school children, took children away from their roots. The games in the box could be played by both the parents and the children. This would strengthen the parent children bonds and also promote traditional bonds. The games in the bonds were played by the Bahraini children for many years, said the children. It is a return to the roots.
The second runner up exhibited a biodegradable bag that could be used for collecting trash such as water bottles, tissues. Both the bag and the contents in it are recyclable said the youngsters who exhibited. They said they already had the help of Recycling for charity helping them.
The project they said had the support of both Bapco and Banagas. Bapco donated BD1000 and Banagas donated BD500 with another BD500 to be paid when they delivered the bags to them. The competition was promoted by Injaz, Tamkeen, GPIC and Milad Marketing and Promotions.