The Council also approved on the proposal with desire submitted (on an urgent basis) on the implementation of the decision to separate the spouse’s salary from the wife’s when applying for housing services and set a date for the implementation of this separation, where it was also decided to refer the proposals to the respected government.
In its meeting held this morning Tuesday under the Chairmanship of its Speaker, Khalifa Bin Ahmed Al-Dhahrani, the Council of Representatives discussed the letters received from HRH the Prime Minister concerning the proposal with desire (on an urgent basis) to launch a campaign to raise donations under the patronage of Information Affairs Authority (IAA) for the brotherly Syrian people.
The Council also discussed the letter received with the proposal with desire (on an urgent basis) to include (the Lebanese Organization Hezbollah) on the list of terrorist organizations, in coordination with the Bahraini Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the GCC Ministries of Foreign Affairs, which is done by some countries.
The Council discussed the letters received from HRH the Prime Minister concerning the draft law on the care, rehabilitation and recruiting the disabled, the amendment of some articles of the Penal Code, the letter on the draft law on allocating 50% of the coasts of the investment islands to be as public coasts, and the amendment of some provisions of the Decree of law No. (36) for 2002 on the organization of tenders, bids, purchases and government sales.
During the same session, the Council discussed the letters received from HRH the Prime Minister on the proposal with desire on cancelling the recent increase on fees to study the master’s programme at University of Bahrain, and the proposal with desire to allocate one of Bahrain T.V. channels to broadcast the sessions of the Council of Representatives alive and also broadcast them in other times.
The Council also discussed the proposal with desire to accelerate the implementation of the approved expansion of Al-Hoora Health Center, the proposal with desire to reach a solution for the shortage of car-parking in the third constituency in Muharraq Governorate by attaining a land and establishing a Multi-storey parking.
The Council discussed the proposal with desire to establish burns department at King Hamad Hospital in Muharraq, a proposal with desire to increase the awareness campaigns to highlight the damage resulting from drugs through educational and media curricula, and the proposal with desire to establish a training center for professions and old traditional handicrafts in the Kingdom’s governorates.
The council discussed the proposal with desire (with its amended form) concerning studying the reasons for the low level of educational attainment of students, especially in the intermediate level, and developing programmes and plans to address such problem. The Council also discussed the proposal with desire on the government’s decision to dispense with the services of the foreign consulting firm contracting with Gulf Air and to terminate the contract between them, and replace that with loyal national consultants who have experience in this regard.
The Council discussed the proposal with desire to establish a hospital or a specialized center in the treatment of cancerous tumors, and regarding the proposal with desire (based on urgent basis) that the respected government changes the current Gulf Air management.
On a related context, the Council discussed in its session, the letters received from HRH the Prime Minister concerning the proposal with desire to establish a Multi-storey car parking at Salmaniya Medical Complex, and the proposal with desire to provide prayers place for women at Bahrain International Airport either for the reception or the departure lounges.
The Council also discussed the proposal with desire to find solution for the housing problem in the eighth constituency in the Capital Governorate, and the proposal with desire on the reduction of electricity tariff for large families with low-income. Then, the Council discussed the proposal with desire (with its amended form) on raising the proportion of current investment in the Public Authority for Social Insurance in the field of housing, from 9% to 20% maximum, on condition that the authority has to be committed to provide the utmost security degrees for the invested funds.
The Council discussed the proposal with desire to develop and rehabilitate the main streets in the first constituency in the Southern Governorate, the proposal with desire to re-plan and rehabilitate the northern region, the third constituency to commensurate with population density. The council also discussed the proposal with desire on Ministry of Education’s application of the electronic educational curricula and programmes in all schools in the Kingdom.
The Council discussed the proposal with desire on importing the generic medicines approved by the United States Agency for Drugs and Food Administration (FDA), and the proposal with desire to reconstruct and develop (Bin Khater Historical Mosque) and the area surrounding it to be a heritage and a historical landmark. Also, to search for a separate annex building to the mosque to contain the historical images associated with these mosques, which show the depth of the relationship between Kingdom of Bahrain and its sister Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The Council discussed the proposal with desire to establish a social center in Zalaq area, the proposal with desire (with its amended form) to reopen the office for boycotting the Zionist entity in Bahrain, and the activation of law No. (5) for 1963 on the boycott of Israel, and the proposal with desire on the expansion of the labor ward and theatre at Jidhafs Maternity Hospital.
The Council reviewed in the same session the responses of Minister of Social Development to the question submitted by MP Abdul Rahman Bumjeed on the types of services provided by the Ministry of Social Development for persons with disabilities in general, and to the question submitted by MP Abdul Hamid Al-Mir on the number of elderly and the services provided by the ministry for them.
The Council reviewed in its session, the report of the representative of the Parliamentary Division of Kingdom of Bahrain in the meetings of the Executive Committee of the Arab Parliamentary Union participating in the eleventh session held in Rabat on February 5, 2013.
The Council also reviewed the report of the Parliamentary Bahraini Armenian Friendship Committee on the visit by the delegation for the Republic of Armenia during the period from 1-5 February, 2013, and the report of the Council of Representatives’ delegation participating in the international Workshop on public financial management, which was held in Ankara during the period from 16 – 18 April 2013.