The Chief said that the Counter-Terrorism Unit was called in to track down the shooter. As part of the investigation, a vehicle thought to be the suspects’ car was found parked near several homes. The area was cordoned off and a search for the terrorists inside those homes was conducted. The identity of the owner of the car was also investigated. The Chief denied that the operation targeted a particular house or a person.
“Our main aim was to seize the car and to arrest the suspects that had originally led investigators to the area.”
The Chief stated that the police patrol had been carrying out their duty in accordance with the law and said that anyone who felt that the police had acted improperly could file a complaint at their nearest police station or with the Public Prosecutor.
“All complaints will be investigated in accordance with the law,” he said.
The Chief noted that any criminal incitement or escalation of violence affects the community as a whole and that anyone behind such speech will be legally held accountable. He also stated that moderate religious and political speech that takes the interests of all of the people of the country into account is the type of speech that helps the people of Bahrain move forward.