As part of its responsibilities in obtaining and retaining talent, The Bahrain Petroleum Company (Bapco) rolled out of its Competency Framework Project. The Training and Development Department at Bapco will begin the Competency Framework Project aiming to create a comprehensive set of competency standards that profile all job roles within the Company.
To execute the project, Bapco will work closely with PetroSkills, a training consultancy that has been recruited to provide accurate and up-to-date definitions of what is required for an individual to be competent in their job role. In order to capture and document the competencies, the consultants will need to observe individuals and speak to them about details of their work from with a Competency Standards Map will be derived.
The many benefits for employees of the Competency Standards Map include demonstrating their professionalism, inspiring their confidence and recognizing career paths. The rollout will take place over the next few weeks but the project itself will be ongoing for several years. The rollout phase aims at providing line managers and superintendents with more information about the developments and answering any questions about the project.