Credimax being a strategic partner offered $10,000 cash prizes with $5000, $3000 and $2000 first, second and third respectively while Al Hawaj presented over two dozen gifts ranging from TVs, Refrigerators, Watches, Perfumes and many more.
“This year promotion was excellent and drew the attention of the large segment of the shoppers,” according to Hazem A. Elrazek, Retail Manager at Al Hawaj. “We thank our loyal customers for making this yearly event a great success,” he added.
The winners were announced at the end of the last day of the promotion on July 6th and each winner was picked through raffle draw. The draw was attended by Yasser Buallay, Ministry of Industry and Commerce Representative, Amira Ismail, Senior Manager Head of Merchant Services and Sales at Credimax; Ali Jawad, Relationship Manager; Khalid Shwaiter, Asst. Manager, Al Hawaj; Jawad Y. Alhawaj, Managing Director Al Hawaj; Abdul Wahab Y. Al Hawaj, General Manager, Al Hawaj; Hussain Y. Al Hawaj, Director at Al Hawaj; Ahmed Y. Al Hawaj, Director at Hawaj; Shyam Narayanan, Operations Manager at Al Hawaj; Hazem A. Elrazek, Retail Manager at Al Hawaj; Mohammed Jawad Y. Al Hawaj, E-Business Development Manager /Techno Blue Managing Director and Shaikh Sattar, Salmaniya Shop Manager.