His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa Bin Salman Al Khalifa presiding over the Cabinet meeting on SundayThe Cabinet on Sunday approved the establishment of an independent national mechanism that allows monitoring prisons, detention centers and detainees through the Commission of the Rights of Prisoners and Detainees, which is specialized in monitoring prisons, detentions centers, juvenile centers and other places used for detention (e.g., hospitals and mental institutions), in order to verify the condition of the detainees, the treatment they receive, and ensure they are not subjected to torture, or inhumane or degrading treatment.
The Commission will practice its tasks freely and impartially with full transparency and independence, taking into account the composition of its members and representing different spectrums of society. The establishment of this Commission comes in fulfillment to the recommendations of the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiries (BICI) and in alignment with the recommendations of the Human Rights Council in its Universal Periodic Review and the Convention Against Torture and Cruel and Inhumane or Degrading Treatment. The Cabinet referred the draft decree in this matter to the Ministerial Committee for Legal Affairs.