The presentation ceremony was held in Birmingham-UK, under the patronage of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and in the presence of Lord Bill Jordan President of Britain’s Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) and a number of senior international dignitaries in the field of occupational safety and representatives of industrial companies from around the world.
The award was received by Abdulrahman Jawahery, Company’s President. It is an impressive tribute to the global achievement made by the company, after fierce competition with more than 5,500 other companies and an unprecedented achievement in the history of the global chemicals sector. Further, this achievement comes only a few days after the company won the award the American National Safety Council Award for the sixth year in a row, a testament in itself to the global reputation now enjoyed by the company in the field of safety.
“I am honoured for this accolade for industry in Bahrain and the Gulf and clear evidence of the global standards now enjoyed by the company in the field of safety. The company has invested in its Bahraini workforce by providing them with training, care and opportunities both at home and abroad in order to consolidate a culture of the highest levels of safety and health in all stages of manufacturing and production,” Abdulrahman Jawahery in a statement said.
Jawahery dedicated this achievement to the wise leadership of the country, the main reason why GPIC enjoys such a prestigious international reputation in the field of safety in the petrochemical industry, having won numerous awards, both local and global. Stellar awards among these have been the Robert Campbell Award from the National Safety Council in the United States of America and the Order of Sir George Earl of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA.) it is worth mentioning that GPIC is the only institution in the world to have received these two awards.