In a statement to Kuwait News Agency (KUNA), Director of Bahrain News Agency (BNA) which was carried by by the BNA, Muhannad Suleiman on the occasson of the 17th meeting of the GCC news agencies officials that will be held in Kuwait from the 1st to the 4th of next September on an invitation by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of (KUNA), Shaikh Mubarak Daij Al-Ibrahim Al Sabah, stressed the keenness of GCC news agencies officials to reinforce the joint media work between them.
Muhannad Suleiman also asserted the increase of coordination between GCC news agencies officials through presenting ideas and projects that contribute in activating cooperation between them.
“The meeting will discuss the project of establishing GCC news agencies union, which is the project submitted by Bahrain on during the 16th meeting at the headquarters of the GCC General Secretariat recently, and it attained the support of the Directors General of GCC news agencies,” he said.
Muhannad Suleiman added that the meeting will discuss the final conception of Qatar News Agency on a unified Website for GCC news agencies, and the proposed logo of that website, in addition to the proposed logo for the joint account on the social networking site (Twitter), of which (KUNA) has designed.
“The meeting seeks reinforcing the efforts of the GCC news agencies to support the joint media action between the GCC states, stressing the GCC news agencies Directors General’s keenness to allocate priority to supporting such joint media GCC projects and accelerating their achievement,” he said.
BNA Director expects that the meeting will have positive results on the media cooperation level between the GCC news agencies, and contributes in enriching the GCC media work with creative professional ideas, and providing the working human staff with readiness and professionalism.
Muhannad Suleiman also praised the Kuwaiti role in supporting the GCC joint projects and its keenness on its success, evaluating the support provided to (BNA) in the joint media projects by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the Director General of (KUNA) and the Directors General of the GCC news agencies.
Muhannad Suleiman also expressed his appreciation of the call of Shaikh Mubarak Al Daij to hold such meeting, which stresses the important role of (KUNA) in strengthening the GCC joint media action.