HRH voiced the Bahraini people’s support and gratitude to the security officers, asserting that the National Assembly’s recommendations came to back the security bodies’ work in combating violence and terrorism. He pointed out that Bahrain’s prosperity is owed to the climate of security and stability which has always characterised it. Yet, he added, the kingdom nowadays is dealing with organised terrorism and terrorist groups.
He voiced confidence to fight and deter the terrorist groups by enforcing the law on the breakers. “The recommendations of the National Assembly boost this trend. Therefore, we are keen to carry them out fast,” he said.
HRH the Premier conveyed HM the King and HRH the Crown Prince’s greetings and respect to the Interior Ministry personnel for their efforts in maintaining security and stability as well as their patience and perseverance in confronting systematic terrorism targeting Bahrain.
He said the National Assembly’s meeting was a clear message of support from the people of Bahrain to the security officers and a tribute to their efforts and dedication.
“We are today before the recommendations of the people and they have to be implemented to maintain order and enforce the law on any offender,” he asserted, pledging to work as one hand to foil attempts to destabilise the country.
“Bahrain’s prosperity is linked to its stability and we will work as one hand to deter attempts to undermine it. We will manage to do so as ever before,” HRH the Prime Minister said.
“Anyone who thinks that the government is dealing with a group that has a different viewpoint is wrong. The government is dealing with an organised terrorist group that acts under different covers. We will not compromise security especially when we are facing organised terrorism,” He affirmed
“The terror acts happening nowadays are a transgression of the law, jeopardisation of citizens’ security and disruption of public and private interests,” he said, stressing the importance of toughening up punishment to deter the perpetrators.
He also took pride in the way how the security officers are handling the terror incidents and the lawbreakers, adding that they set a model in civilisational behaviour that respects the principles of human rights and freedoms despite challenges. He commended the security officers’ discipline and ability to thwart attempts to drive wedges, falsify the truth and drag the nation into the cauldron of sectarian strife and conflicts.
Interior Minister Lt. General Shaikh Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa extended on behalf of the Interior Ministry personnel thanks and gratitude to HRH the Premier for the visit which came to reassert the security officers’ high value. He briefed HRH the Prime Minister on the ministry’s programmes to foster security and stability.
He said that HRH the Premier’s incessant support has beefed up the security bodies’ readiness to deal with all circumstances through a comprehensive system.