He pointed out that social welfare and labour rights are essential in GCC countries and represent basic milestones in the GCC human rights march that proved to the world the great support of GCC leaders and governments to the human rights march.
This came as HRH Premier received at the Gudaibiya Palace today the participants at the GCC Labour and Social Affairs Ministers Meeting, hosted by the Kingdom.
HRH Prime Minister called for the need to come up with new concepts and effective mechanisms to expand the GCC cooperation network in the fields of social services and labour affairs.
He highlighted the importance of GCC meetings on labour and social issues in boosting the joint efforts of GCC governments to strengthen ties among them and coordinate stances in order to meet the aspirations of GCC peoples for more progress and prosperity.
GCC Labour and Social Affairs Ministers lauded the landmark social and labour achievements of the Government of Bahrain, led by HRH Premier.
They also praised the Prime Minister’s interest in enhancing cooperation among GCC countries and directives to upgrade it in all fields, particularly in the labour and social ones.