The achievements also included the finalization of the Bourse’s Market Rulebook, SME market rules and the completion of procedures relating to BHB’s organizational restructure according to the requirements of the strategy.
The Board discussed the subjects addressed on the agenda including the latest developments at Bahrain Bourse and viewed the periodic report of BHB’s performance and GCC capital markets.
The Board also endorsed the decision to approve BHB’s periodic financial results as of 30th September 2013. The board discussed the achievements relating to BHB’s operational and strategic plan for 2013 which included the signing of the agreement to replace the Bourse’s existing trading platform with one designed by NASDAQ OMX as well as the launching of the Online Trading Incentive Program (OTIP).
In addition, the Board approved the estimated budget for 2014, and the operational plan and strategic plan for 2014 along with its Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that focused on the implementation of marketing and awareness programs for capital markets participants locally and regionally.
The Board finally reviewed the reports and recommendations from its sub-committees, and decided on suitable actions to be taken.