Over the last few weeks Bapco has been carrying out training with the assistance of the Emergency Planning College (EPC), UK. The training is a fundamental aspect of Bapco’s migration to its new Crisis and Emergency Response Plan (CERP). “EPC has been facilitating these training sessions and passing on valuable knowledge and expertise,” Bapco’s Manager Public Relations Department Naji Ahmed, said.
“The training culminated in two table top exercises conducted on 10th and 12th December in which emergencies were simulated in Sitra Marketing Terminal and Gas Distribution Network. Multi-disciplinary teams were mobilized to carry out their respective roles within the Incident Management Team (IMT),” he added.
“The purpose of the table top exercises was to verify that all involved understood their roles and responsibilities within CERP, and also to ensure that CERP is fit-for-use. A lot of hard work and effort has been expended by all, and the exercises were successfully completed”.
“Valuable lessons learnt will now be incorporated into further training exercises planned for next year. The Senior Management take this opportunity to thank all Bapco and EPC staff who has participated in this important endeavor,” Naji, added.